Monday, June 6, 2011
Words of the Wisdomless: Fail
Words of the Wisdomless: Fail
"The assumed failure is what will hold some back, while others resign when failure is accomplished. It’s the real exceptional person that can take failure and turn it into something prodigious! "
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Words of the Wisdomless:no-Winning
You can't win, it's not how you play the game, it's that you never read the rules!
- By Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Depressed
Are you depressed? Then, Do something outside if you're depressed... Even if that something is nothing at all...
Chato Is Going to the DBSA's National Conference
First, I would like to take a moment and THANK the DBSA for inviting me to participate in Prof. Higginbotham's presentation! I also need to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to my sponsors: Enzymedica, Roxanne and The Fort Myers DBSA, Mark Pines of Orange County Counseling, Tracey Skale and Lori Olson of! I also want to THANK "everyone" who continues to support the Mental Health Humor Project by visiting the website and consistently sharing humor to help others!
Yes, I will be participating in a presentation with the Social media expert, Dale Higginbotham, (Academic Advisor and Lecturer in communications and media studies, University of Houston). Dale Higginbotham and video contest winner, Chato Stewart, will share how you can put the "you" in YouTube, by using your personal story to educate and inspire others. The presentation "Sharing Your Story Through Social Media" will be SATURDAY, MAY 21, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dale Higginbotham
Academic Advisor and Lecturer in communications and media studies, University of Houston*
Chato Stewart
Cartoonist, advocate, and 1st place winner of the DBSA 2009 Facing Us Video Contest*
I'm also happy to "officially" announce my participation in this year's DBSA STAND-UP COMEDY WITH DAVID GRANIRER (SATURDAY, MAY 21, 7:30 pm. – 9:00 p.m.) David Granirer is a stand-up comic and founder of Stand Up for Mental Health. A consumer who lives with Depression, he is also a counselor, speaker, and author. All participants take his customized correspondent stand-up class via conference calls, e-mail, and Skype. This way when all us Newbies get up on stage, we won't bomb too badly!
Are you going to the DBSA conference? Don't miss the presentation in the comedy show! Make sure you let me know you'll be there, maybe we can meet up for a cup of coffee.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Immanual Kant
The German philosopher Immanual Kant said: "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." I love animals, Pigs, Cows, Sheep, Goats and Chickens... They taste great! Judge me not.
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Gauge
"A normal person might value money to gauge their levels of success. Although, for me, as a person living with a mental illness, I have to measure my levels of sanity to gauge my success... Today, I start at level one."
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Get You FREE e-book of my 2010 Cartoons:
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Moods
Words Of The Wisdomless: Moods
"Only one person can change your mood, that person is you! You can let people lift you up, or let them knock you down. This means it is vital to pick your friends wisely! Too bad, we can't pick our family... Well, at least, we can ignore them on Facebook!"
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Get You FREE e-book of my 2010 Cartoons:
Use my cartoons for FREE - Ask me about it.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Recovery
Words Of The Wisdomless: Recovery
Figuratively or Literally, Recovery can Knock You Down... It might be hard to get back up, But even that too is part of Recovery... Now Figuratively if a linebacker is trying to tackle your recovery... All I can say about that is you should Literally RUN!
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Use my cartoons for FREE - Ask me about it.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Lost -
"The best thing about being lost is discovering a new way home."
Chato B. Stewart
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Feels Like
People use the expression "FEELS LIKE" to describe stuff... They might say, 'Today FEELS LIKE Monday', or 'it FEELS LIKE rain!' I think that's just ridiculous! Nothing can feel like anything unless it is actually the thing it feels like. I mean, if it feels like something that really isn't anything then, you are really saying it's a phony and a lie. So, I wonder why would you feel the need to lie to me when I asked you a simple question like, "how yah doing?" People get all like, you're paranoid and what not... Oh Please, like I'm paranoid or something... although, it FEELS LIKE I am.
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Can you believe it's 2011 and we're almost in February?
This will be Mental Health Humor's first "official" newsletter! I want to make sure everyone got their free copy of the "2010 Mental Health Humor Cartoons" E-book. If you did not get your copy, then visit my blog to get the link on this hidden page
Would you like to review my book and have it published on my blog with your headshot and link? Just send me your review, headshot and your link to me at
Monday, January 10, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Ouch -
"'That which does not kill me'... Isn't covered by my insurance!"
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Use my cartoons for FREE - Ask me about it.
Words Of The Wisdomless: Communication -
Never pick a argument with your wife! Because, even if you win, you still lose... And you better have a comfortable couch.
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Use my cartoons for FREE - Ask me about it.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Words Of The Wisdomless: Love
"Love is give and take... You give, they take! If you screw it up they take it all... along with half your income!"
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
Psych Central Humor
Use my cartoons for FREE - Ask me about it.
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