Words of The wisdomless: To Do List -
just started doing a "to do" list again... my first thing "to do" is to
make a "to do" list, but I think I'll wait till Monday to start that
- by Chato Stewart
superiority theory humor
Mop: Ever stop to think of the pain we cause people??? I think we cause more messes then we clean up…
Bucket: Sure, but there is nothing funnier than watching people slip and fall! That is why YouTube exists…
Caption: Questioning the Superiority Theory in Humor
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
http://www.mentalhealthhumor.com & chatobstewart.com
Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!
http://www.mentalhealthhumor.com & chatobstewart.com